Ruud's Commodore Site: Home page Home Email

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The British flag This site contains all kind of information about hardware and software related to the older Commodore computers like the KIM, PET, CBM, VIC-20, C64 and C128. In 2011 I started to take interest in Commodore PCs and IBM PC-XT (compatibles) as well. Later other interests were added to the ones I already had.
The information is only available in English.

The Dutch flag Deze site verstrekt U allerlei informatie over zowel hardware als software van de diverse Commodore computers: KIM, PET, CBM, VIC-20, C64, C128 en anderen. In de tijd ben ik mij ook gaan intresseren voor de Commodore PCs en IBM PC-XT (compatibles). Later zijn er andere interesses bijgekomen.
Deze site is voor de rest alleen in het Engels.

Last update: 2025 Januari 7

I started to clean up a cupboard but ended up with building some 386SX, 486 and Pentium computers from the found parts. And this lead to play Doom and Duke Nukem 3D on a P1-166 MHz. machine.
But I have to clean up (again) because I (again) collected/received too much stuff. For example, two IBM 5160s is one too many: I can only work on one so why two? And I have three (?) clones in various types of cases, again one is enough. And I can go on and on and on like this. But what am I going to part with? God, please give me some strength......

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