Ruud's Commodore Site: Home page Home Email

Home page

The British flag This site contains all kind of information about hardware and software related to the older Commodore computers like the KIM, PET, CBM, VIC-20, C64 and C128. In 2011 I started to take interest in Commodore PCs and IBM PC-XT (compatibles) as well. Later other interests were added to the ones I already had.
The information is only available in English.

The Dutch flag Deze site verstrekt U allerlei informatie over zowel hardware als software van de diverse Commodore computers: KIM, PET, CBM, VIC-20, C64, C128 en anderen. In de tijd ben ik mij ook gaan intresseren voor de Commodore PCs en IBM PC-XT (compatibles). Later zijn er andere interesses bijgekomen.
Deze site is voor de rest alleen in het Engels.

Last update: 2024 November 28

Due to the death of my mother, I had not much time for my projects. I worked on the TMS7000 dis/assembler and found some small bugs in the ones for the 6809.
I was able to lay my hands on an Amstrad PPC512. The main reason I was interested in it was because it is equipped with a NEC V30; until now I didn't even had a loose V30. Unfortunately I'm not able to play with it because it is a Sinterklaas present, it has been put in the bag and I won't be able to lay my hands on it until the evening fo December 5th.

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