Home page
This site contains all kind of information about hardware and software related to the older Commodore computers like the KIM, PET, CBM, VIC-20, C64 and C128. In 2011 I started to take interest in Commodore PCs and IBM PC-XT (compatibles) as well. Later other interests were added to the ones I already had.
The information is only available in English.
Deze site verstrekt U allerlei informatie over zowel hardware als software van de diverse Commodore computers: KIM, PET, CBM, VIC-20, C64, C128 en anderen. In de tijd ben ik mij ook gaan intresseren voor de Commodore PCs en IBM PC-XT (compatibles). Later zijn er andere interesses bijgekomen.
Deze site is voor de rest alleen in het Engels.
Last update: 2024 September 22
I'm busy helping Jaak Bartok, Jaaks Electronics & vintage Workplace(s),and Fred Jan Kraan, Oh no, not another computer museum!, with their TMS7000 project. They needed an assembler that could handle Texas Instruments' original source statement format. They have done me some favours so I decided to return them mine and offered them to write an assembler and disassemble based on my own ones. Will be continued....
- Disclaimer
In short: don't blame me when things go wrong when using my information :) - Copyrights
As usual. - Credits
Some people who really deserve it. - Commodore computers and peripherals
Information about Commodore equipment. - Documents
Documents produced by others or me about various subjects regarding hardware and software. - Electronics
Information about electronic parts. - Hardware projects
Information about hardware projects. - My main projects
The projects I am paying most attention too at the moment. - Software projects
Information about software projects. - Non-Commodore computers and projects
A menu leading to information about other computers. - Links
Links to interesting sites, clubs and people. - About myself....
Having questions or comment? You want more information?
You can email me here.