Home page
This site contains all kind of information about hardware and software related to the older Commodore computers like the KIM, PET, CBM, VIC-20, C64 and C128. In 2011 I started to take interest in Commodore PCs and IBM PC-XT (compatibles) as well. Later other interests were added to the ones I already had.
The information is only available in English.
Deze site verstrekt U allerlei informatie over zowel hardware als software van de diverse Commodore computers: KIM, PET, CBM, VIC-20, C64, C128 en anderen. In de tijd ben ik mij ook gaan intresseren voor de Commodore PCs en IBM PC-XT (compatibles). Later zijn er andere interesses bijgekomen.
Deze site is voor de rest alleen in het Engels.
Last update: 2024 November 28
Due to the death of my mother, I had not much time for my projects. I worked on the TMS7000 dis/assembler and found some small bugs in the ones for the 6809.
I was able to lay my hands on an Amstrad PPC512. The main reason I was interested in it was because it is equipped with a NEC V30; until now I didn't even had a loose V30. Unfortunately I'm not able to play with it because it is a Sinterklaas present, it has been put in the bag and I won't be able to lay my hands on it until the evening fo December 5th.
- Disclaimer
In short: don't blame me when things go wrong when using my information :) - Copyrights
As usual. - Credits
Some people who really deserve it. - Commodore computers and peripherals
Information about Commodore equipment. - Documents
Documents produced by others or me about various subjects regarding hardware and software. - Electronics
Information about electronic parts. - Hardware projects
Information about hardware projects. - My main projects
The projects I am paying most attention too at the moment. - Software projects
Information about software projects. - Non-Commodore computers and projects
A menu leading to information about other computers. - Links
Links to interesting sites, clubs and people. - About myself....
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You can email me here.